Why is gambling illegal yahoo answers

Why should what I do with my money be of concern to the government? I'll tell you exactly why. Every time something in regards to legalizing gambling comes ...

Why is gambling illegal? | Yahoo Answers I just wanna know cause I know people who play poker at home and they have roulette wheels and poker chips they play it all of the time I dont get what the ... Why is gambling legal in Nevada? | Yahoo Answers It been so long you have to research Nevada laws, as I only thought it legal to gamble in Las Vegas all of my life until I moved to Phoenix as I'm from the ... Why is the government using gambling to raise revenue ... Legal or not, some people like to gamble and they do gamble. When gambling is illegal organized crime gangs usually run and profit from the illegal gambling.

Best Answer: Unlicensed gambling is almost always illegal. The stakes are irrelevant (if someone can find a written law that has a threshold for gambling stakes, I'd like to see it). No cop in his right mind is going to arrest a kid for playing poker with pennies, but that doesn't make it "legal." There is ...

if online poker is illegal now, why is still on? | Yahoo ... i still see sites like ultimate bet, poker stars, and many more..how is still around if they say online gambling is now illegal? Illegal gambling? | Yahoo Answers My niece asked me over the phone why illegal gambling is illegal.. I told her that illegal gambling is illegal, because if it were legal, everybody would ... Why do conservatives always try to keep gambling illegal ... Okay, I know that some libertarian conservatives could care less what other grown adults do for entertainment. However, in my area, the conservative ...

Aug 20, 2018 ... Before and after images are not allowed without review by the Oath Ad ..... Advertising for sites promoting offline gambling establishments or ...

To hear some advocates of marijuana legalization say it, the drug cures diseases while it promotes creativity, open-mindedness, moral progression, and a closer relationship with God and the cosmos. That sounds thoroughly unconvincing to people who don't use the drug themselves — especially when the public image of a marijuana user is, again, that of a loser who risks arrest and imprisonment

What is illegal gambling? | Yahoo Answers

Is gambling illegal in video games for play money under these contexts. 1- No real money would be exchanged in anyway. Only virtual money and it would be a small part of the game. 2-Real money could be donated for in game virtual money. Where a bit of gambling in the game would occur. 3-Real money could purchase in game virtual money. Why is Marijuana illegal? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: To me it is the same class as alcohol, some people can handle it some cant, there will be (and is) people who smoke dope all day and don't do anything constructive, same with drinking. Marijuana is going to be legal soon, goverment will tax it and make buco bucks. Help i need examples of legal gambling and illegal ... - Yahoo Best Answer: The Lottery and Casinos are legal gambling. Playing cards for money or shooting dice on a street corner are illegal. Anything that's not controlled buy the government is illegal. That's just my opinion Bingo in churches is also legal.

Yahoo Answers: Answers and Comments for Why is illegal immigration along our Northern border w/ Canada being hushed up? ... each others' country without the need for visas. As long as it's for pleasure, we don't need work visas. The reason why gas prices are in litres, is because your American economy is so bad, that you're trying to attract ...

Yahoo Philippines Answers ... Best Answer: Gambling is not illegal everywhere. And they do require permits and licensing to conduct a gambling business. ... You are legally allowed to sue anybody for anything in this country, so if that's what you're asking, the answer is "yes." The most you can collect is most likely $500 though, and a lawyer ... Is gambling between friends illegal? | Yahoo Answers Best Answer: Unlicensed gambling is almost always illegal. The stakes are irrelevant (if someone can find a written law that has a threshold for gambling stakes, I'd like to see it). No cop in his right mind is going to arrest a kid for playing poker with pennies, but that doesn't make it "legal." There is ... Why is betting on yourself or your team illegal? | Yahoo ...

Best Answer: No it is not gambling, it is selling a dream that does not exist. Even if it is call a multilevel marketing plans. There are many out there, seems vitamins are a big player in the multilevel scheme. The problem with a pyramid or a multilevel plan is simple. I sounds good. All you have to do is ... Is online gambling safe? | Yahoo Answers Yahoo Philippines Answers ... Update: I live in a state where gambling is illegal (besides the lottery) and have to resort to online gambling. This will be my first time doing it online, and I just want to know what to expect. Thanks! Follow . 1 answer 1. Help i need examples of legal gambling and illegal ... - Yahoo Best Answer: The Lottery and Casinos are legal gambling. Playing cards for money or shooting dice on a street corner are illegal. Anything that's not controlled buy the government is illegal. That's just my opinion Bingo in churches is also legal. Why is gambling such a negative hobby? | Yahoo Answers